Friday, January 30, 2009

Relocating to Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Relocation is one of the niches of real estate that I find most challenging... and most rewarding. But finding the perfect home for a family relocating to Lethbridge, Alberta from elsewhere in the province, across the country or even across the pond, isn't the hard part. There aRelocating to Lethbridgere many great homes for sale in Lethbridge and the surrounding areas and I am very familiar with what is available.

The hard part is that relocation is personal. Families making a big move are not only looking for a great house, they are also looking for a great place to call home and they are trusting my judgment (many times, implicitly) to help them make their decisions.

In order to give the best service possible, I really need to get to know a family (usually from a distance). I need to get a good feel for their lifestyle, their interests, their background, their careers, their kids, their pets... the list goes on.

So what criteria is most important?

Are schools most important? Will they enroll their kids in public or private school? Do they want to be within walking distance? Would they prefer to be in a smaller community where class sizes are typically smaller? Or are they childless and would prefer not to back onto a noisy school ground?

Is lifestyle most important? Are they frequent walkers who would appreciate a location near one of our many parks or lakes in Lethbridge? Do they want to be near shopping? Do they want to be active in a community where they can volunteer their time, get to know the neighbors and be accepted? Or would they rather keep to themselves and enjoy their privacy?

Are pets most important? If they are looking at condos, will Fido be welcomed? Is there a fence in place or will they need to have one in place before they move in? Or are they petless and would be horrified to find out that their neighbors dog barks 12 hours a day?

Is career most important? Do they want to be in an area where they can easily network and build new business contacts? Is commute time important? Do they work from home and would like a bright sunny area to call the home office?

The truth is, it's all important! Although there must be concessions in some areas and no home is perfect, these are all things to consider when helping a family relocate.

I pride myself on being not only knowledgeable about the real estate market in Lethbridge, but also about the community and what opportunities Lethbridge has to offer. I consider it part of my job.

If a client wants specific information, I will seek it out and provide it.Your eyes and ears in the Lethbridge Real Estate market

I am their eyes and ears until they move here, and I take that very seriously. I have gone so far as to help clients seek out employment, find temporary housing if the dates they give up their old house and move into their new home don't mesh, provide a list of babysitters if they have small children, restaurant guides... everything short of inviting them for dinner. I am usually a clients first impression of this city and could possibly have an influence on how their enjoy their life here. That's a big job and I don't take it lightly.

Visit us for more information on Lethbridge Real Estate or email me at to request a Relocation Package.

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